Meet My Farmer: Cassava Breads

Meet My Farmer: Cassava Breads Photos and story by Luke Lawrence Since April 2017 Solomon Cohen and his family have been living the American Dream. A trained chef and caterer, Solomon left these positions behind to pursue his own goals and start his own business. “I always knew that I wanted to work for myself,” Solomon told me as we were chatting in the kitchen that he was leasing out. It was easy to sense Solomon’s entrepreneurial spirit as we talked. No matter what we were discussing, he was constantly focused in on what he had to do that moment for his business. Day-in and day-out, Solomon, with the help of some part-t imers and occasionally his wife, works to market and build his brand, make orders, and ensure that his products are of the highest quality and delivered to his customers with the utmost care. “It is an every day job, more than full time,” Solomon told me as he offered me some of his delicious garlic cassava bread, the main product crafted by his company, Cassava...