Community Foundation for the CSRA, Boys & Girls Clubs of the CSRA, and Medical College of  Georgia Foundation Break Ground on HUB for Community Innovation, 

Catalyzing Multi-Year Reinvestment in Harrisburg and Laney Walker Neighborhoods 

Donate to Augusta Locally Grown's Mission

Opening in Spring of 2022, New Project Will Enhance Residents’ Access to Critical Education Support,  Health Services, Quality Food Options and More 

Augusta, GA – A coalition led by the Community Foundation for the CSRA, the Boys & Girls Clubs of the  CSRA, and the Medical College of Georgia Foundation broke ground today on a new project designed to catalyze revitalization in the historic Harrisburg and Laney Walker neighborhoods, two of the most  underserved communities in Augusta’s urban core.  

The project will be centered around two distinct but mission-aligned facilities that will be known jointly  as the HUB for Community Innovation. One building will provide a new home for multiple nonprofits  currently serving thousands of Augusta-area families. The other will be a new headquarters and support  center for the Boys & Girls Clubs of the CSRA, which is in its 70th year of service to the neighborhoods. 

Located on Chafee Avenue near the corner of Fenwick Street, on the Eastern boundary of Harrisburg,  the HUB will unite multiple nonprofit organizations onto one common campus. The co-location of  services will make it easier for local residents to access needed support.  

Design and construction will be funded through a combination of federal grants and private  contributions, including a $10 million donation announced by Augusta National Golf Club in November 2020 and gifted jointly with AT&T, Bank of America and IBM. Both of the HUB campus buildings are  expected to be completed and operational by the spring of 2022. 

The HUB project is intended to serve as the cornerstone of an ambitious, multi-year community  revitalization strategy to uplift Harrisburg and Laney Walker and the thousands of families who live  there. Over the past several decades, both neighborhoods have suffered greatly from public  disinvestment, the incremental departure of locally-owned businesses, and erosion of many basic  community services. The HUB will help rebuild connection and collaboration among nonprofits and  neighbors by hosting community events, welcoming public speakers, providing space for civic groups to  gather, and much more.  

“We want to encourage innovative, collaborative approaches for revitalizing Harrisburg and Laney  Walker. By bringing existing resources and nonprofits together in one location, we can start to bolster  equitable access to all the essential elements of a thriving community,” said Shell Berry, CEO of the  Community Foundation for the CSRA and a co-leader of the project. “Eventually that includes mixed income housing, a variety of food sources, quality healthcare, and educational support. The HUB for  Community Innovation is the first step in making these services more easily accessible and affordable for  everyone living in these historic neighborhoods.”

The larger of the HUB’s two buildings will be a 33,000-square-foot facility on the western side of Chafee  Avenue. It will house four locally-based nonprofits, each with a track record for delivering essential  services that advance community wellbeing. They include: 

Augusta Locally Grown, which is dedicated to growing the local food community and promoting  public health through farmers’ markets, community gardens and educational programming. Augusta University Literacy Center, which provides free tutoring services for children and adults  in our community. 

Harrisburg Family Health Care, which provides free medical care to more than 3,000 uninsured  and under-insured Augusta area residents annually. 

RISE Augusta, which effectively links community resources, literacy remediation, mentoring, and  basic needs services to struggling children and their families. 

“There is a great need to address the issues of low employment, underperforming schools and food  desert conditions, which place families and young people at risk for continuing the cycle of generational  poverty that has plagued the area for decades. Boys & Girls Clubs serve the kids most impacted by these  inequities and provide a comprehensive approach to youth development that builds connected  pathways out of poverty,” said Kim Evans, CEO of Boys & Girls Clubs of the CSRA and a co-leader of the  project. “As we chart the future of Boys & Girls Clubs in Augusta, we are committed to enhancing our  programs and our facilities, allowing us to serve more kids, more often, with greater impact.”  

The new Boys & Girls Clubs support center will be approximately 16,000 square-feet, a significant  expansion from its current headquarters. According to Evans, the state-of-the-art support center will  help the organization extend the reach and impact of services that focus on youth mentoring, college  readiness, workforce readiness, virtual programming and more. 

Working together, the Community Foundation, the Boys & Girls Clubs and the MCG Foundation hope to  bring their respective strengths to the challenges of developing a plan for growth that is truly equitable  and inclusive of the current residents in these neighborhoods. Today’s groundbreaking marks an  important step in that direction and the start of a long-term commitment to those living in Harrisburg  and Laney Walker, according to the groups. 

“We are deeply honored to play a part in cultivating a community where everyone can thrive,” said Ian  Mercier, MCG Foundation CEO and a co-leader of the project. “Not only will the HUB help transform  Laney Walker and Harrisburg, two important communities deserving of investment, it will deepen  Augusta University’s partnership with and connection to the neighborhoods where we live and work.” 

Design and construction for the project is being led by Johnson Development, Doug Neil/Daniel  Communities, Chris Booker & Associates, Choate Construction, and Cranston Engineering Group

For more information, visit  

Media Contact: 

David Brotherton, Brotherton Strategies 

(206) 954-8672

About the Community Foundation for the CSRA 

The Community Foundation for the Central Savannah River Area has been embedded in the greater  Augusta community for more than 25 years and uses its resources, both financial and human, to fulfill its  mission to engage, inform and inspire donors and nonprofits to build a stronger and more vibrant  community. The Community Foundation is one of the largest grantmakers in the region, awarding grants  to more than 50 organizations annually through a Community Grants Fund which is its largest  unrestricted pool of resources. The Foundation’s focus areas include Education & Youth Empowerment,  Health & Environment, People in Need, and Arts, Culture & History. Since its inception in 1995, the  Foundation has made more than $112 million in grants throughout the CSRA and beyond. Learn more at  

About the Boys & Girls Clubs of the CSRA 

Boys & Girls Clubs of the CSRA (Boys & Girls Club) has a rich history of service to the downtown Augusta  community, particularly Harrisburg and surrounding neighborhoods. For 70+ years, Boys & Girls Club has  been a life-saving solution for tens of thousands of kids, providing a safe place, caring adult mentors,  fun, friendship, and high-impact youth development programs on a daily basis during critical non-school  hours for the kids who need us most. Focused on three primary outcome areas of Academic Success,  Good Character & Leadership, and Healthy Lifestyles, Boys & Girls Club prepares kids for life beyond high  school, ensuring they have a solid plan for their future. Learn more at  

About the Medical College of Georgia Foundation 

The Medical College of Georgia Foundation was established in 1954 when a small group of supporters  pooled together $450 to create a philanthropic arm of support for the State of Georgia’s only public  medical school. For nearly 70 years since, the MCG Foundation has supported the academic, research  and patient care mission of the Medical College of Georgia and Augusta University through endowed  scholarships, chairs, and programs. Learn more at



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